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An energetic WebDev, fast learner, always looking for new challenges. My goal is to work in a company or in projects where I can build up my knowledge in this amazing Web World. Front-end Oriented, I have been developing some websites where I show my flexibility and my skills.

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Manage Landing Page

Html - Css - Js- Swiper

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

React Js - Styled Component - Css

Job Listings Challenge

Html - Css - JavaScript

BookEdx - (ReadMe.md)

Python - Flask - Api - Bootstrap

React Country Rest Api

React Js - Styled Components

EasyBank Landing Page

Html - Css - JsEs6

Home Banking Project

Bootstrap - Php - Laravel - Paas(Heroku)

Fylo dark theme landing page

Html - Css - Flexbox - Grid

Bookmark Landing page

Html - Css - Flexbox - JavaScript

Pricing Component

Html - Css - Flexbox - JavaScript

Countries Api

JavaScript - Api - Color Theme Switcher

Four Card Feature Section

Html - Css - Grid

Counter Challenge - ReadMe

React with Hooks

Shortly URL shortening API

JavaScript - Api

Insure Landing Page Master

Html - Css - JavaScript

Social media dashboard with theme switcher

Html - Css - Data-theme - JS

Random User Generator

Html - Css - JsEs6 - Api

E-commerce Phone Store

React Js - Bootstrap - PayPal

Beach Resort by John Smilga

Html - Css - React Js

Clipboard landing page

Html - Css - Flexbox - Grid

Band Website

Html - Css - Bootstrap - Js